Chief Visionary
Officer/Bliss Ambassador
Teri Williams
Multi Media and
Publishing Services
division of the Mythic Group, LLC
Heather Coleman-Voss
Career and Social Media Coach/Consultant
This month, this Thanksgiving, I am going to "serve" my friend and soul sister, Teri Sertic. 25% of all Girlavanting book sale proceeds will be donated to Teri and her family, through November 30, 2011.
Teri is a single mom with 3 children. She is a shamanic practitioner, a massage therapist and a dance instructor, with the healing hands of an angel and a heart overflowing with love. She's also an American Veteran having served in the United States Air Force. This year has been extremely difficult for her and her family. On top of being a single mom and the challenges that brings, her youngest daughter, 3 year old little Jojo, was diagnosed with diabetes. Her blood sugar was at an unbelievably high rate and her poor little body was working overload to compensate. After spending almost a week in the hospital she was finally able to take Jojo home, along with daily doses of insulin and blood level checks on a regular basis.
This year has been extremely difficult for her and her family. On top of being a single mom and the challenges that brings, her youngest daughter, 3 year old little Jojo, was diagnosed with diabetes. Her blood sugar was at an unbelievably high rate and her poor little body was working overload to compensate. After spending almost a week in the hospital she was finally able to take Jojo home, along with daily doses of insulin and blood level checks on a regular basis.
Constant monitoring of her child, along with nurturing and mothering her 2 older children has made it extremely difficult for Teri to work on a regular basis. Imagine having to test your child's blood level every few hours and then having to administer insulin shots. Add to that having to find someone willing to care for that child when you go to work; someone willing to step up and give the same loving care to your daughter as you would.
During my years as a single mom life brought more challenges than I could possibly list...it also brought more joys - spending time with my children no matter what was the greatest gift. There were times when I had no idea how I was going to feed them, cloth them or make the house payment. I believe in the magic of the Universe so I knew it would all be taken care of, I just didn't know how. Thank GOD for the people in my life, those Earth Angels, those joyful giving spirits who silently or loudly helped us make it through; anonymous donations of food on my porch, checks from family and friends and gifts for my children. I can't say enough how grateful I am. I "pay it forward" by giving back to my community in some way every single day.
I am thankful beyond words that Teri is my friend and that her 3 beautiful children bless this world. In giving thanks I ask that you check within, to a time when you were in need, and someone reached out to help you, maybe a friend, maybe your family, maybe a stranger. Then, I am asking you to think about Teri and her children and reach out to help them all, in any way you can. She does work out of her house quite often, to be more readily available to her family. A great way to help might be to schedule yourself or friend a massage (one of the best massages I have ever had!) or girls night out dancing at her studio or maybe you simply want to donate love and prayers. Whatever you are inspired to do will be a blessing for her and her family.
Her website is: http://www.the-healing-spot.com/#! and her email is: javalovin@yahoo.com. To make a monetary donation, simply fill out a gift certificate and when prompted to enter a note, add "A gift for Teri Sertic and her family".
Remember, we are donating 25% of all Girlavanting book sales to Teri and her family. They make great holiday gifts for every woman on your list, from 5 to 105!
Feel free to pass this on to who ever you think might send a little love Teri's way.
It’s the week of Thanksgiving. Seriously, I celebrate it every day. Many of you do too, I know.
Me - I simply thank God, The Great Spirit, Source for every breath I take, every face I see, every tear I shed. I’ve said it before – it’s worth saying again – When I open my eyes in the morning, before I even put my foot on the ground, I take a deep breath and say “Thank you for another day – Thank you for the opportunity to serve”.
It’s also the one year anniversary of Welcome to Blissville at Empoweradio.com. THANK YOU to Brent Carey, Founder and Creator of Empoweradio.com, for this gift of being the voice that brings you so much joy. What we focus on multiplies! Joy, joy, joy!
What a year it’s been! I’ve had the opportunity to deliver 50 of the world’s most incredible, dynamic people, from all over the globe, from Detroit to Melbourne - Marc Allen, Marci Shimoff, Brenda Strausz, SARK, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Lori Lipten, Sharon Salzberg, Shawne Duperon, Gene Stone, Judy Davids, Amanda Gore, Jon Katz, Lori Bryant Woolridge and Catherine Hilker are only a handful of the guests we’ve heard. What an amazing array of topics – love, grief, intimacy inspiration, pets, Feng Shui, intuition, meditation, miracles and of course, bliss.
My guests have given a lot of their personal tips for living a blissful life, here's a sampling:
Susyn Reeve – Take the time to acknowledge what you love and honor about yourself and then experiment with being the world’s greatest lovers – share that love with the world!!
Judy Davids – “All things are possible, believe in yourself and seek out support of others. People want to help you!”
Lori Bryant Woolridge – “True masters learn through joy – there’s a lot of joy to be found.”
Shawne Duperon – "It’s not that deep…take a deep breath and play."
Bernie Siegel – “Love yourself, love your body, and then contribute your love to the world. It’s the only thing that makes you immortal – love someone and you’ll be here forever.”
Marc Allen – “Don’t forget your dreams, keep going for them – dream your most expansive dream, you’ll never regret it.”
There has been one common thread, besides bliss– Gratitude. Each of these remarkable people feels a deep sense of gratitude to life. You'll hear that in every interview, over and over again.
I am over flowing with that same grateful spirit, thankful to be the bridge that brought their message to you; messages with deep meaning, yet seemingly so simple; thankful to be bringing even more bliss to you in the next year.
Thank you all for tuning in and empowering yourself with their wisdom, for taking a few minutes each week to tune in and tune up your life – for bringing me into your home, your office, your world, your heart. You are all on my bliss list and I am grateful beyond words!
A deep sense of gratitude brings you closer to living your bliss…
My friend and colleague, Ron Marshall of RonMarshallJr.com has launched a new feature in his blog.
He's calling it a "Professional Showcase" and is highlighting what he considers to be today's thought leaders who are remaking tomorrow.
It is my great honor to be featured as his opening act! Please take a few minutes to read Ron's Blog, both Part I and Part II and suggest anyone that you think should be featured! Ron is an incredible young man, striving to make a difference in peoples lives, both locally here in Michigan and around the globe!
Here's a little snip it of what you'll read:
"I knew taking care of my two children as a single, working mom was not going to be an easy task. I wasn't going to let corporate America decide whether I would be home with my sick child or be a room mom in their classroom. I wanted to make those decisions myself. I had two things going for me (besides my beautiful children): I had a business and accounting background, and I loved to clean! Ok, I loved computers, too.
I bought my first computer and started two businesses: The Administrative Assistant and Snap Services; they have long since been replaced. My dad lent me the money, even though he thought computers were glorified typewriters. At that time, for me, they were, but I believed that the 'new thing called the Internet' was the wave of the future! (I think I was right on that one!)"
Thankfully, I was raised to always have hope and always see the silver lining."
"What we focus on multiplies - focus on your bliss!"
Teri Williams