Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Peace of mind is as easy as 1, 2, 3

What exactly does that mean, Peace of Mind? Does it mean that you are never bothered by anything? Does it mean being in a seemingly super drugged out state of "Blissville"? We're human. Stuff can bother us. We get annoyed, frustrated, and well, pissed off!

Maniacal drivers, crabby cashiers, loud startling noises, double dipping, parents who don't pay attention to their children (like leaving them in a car while they run in to shop) are some of the triggers on my list of things that cause me to go from The Bliss Lady to The Pissed Lady.

Peace of Mind, to me, means recognizing when these and other actions irritate me, connecting with the emotions and feelings attached to those things and finding my way back to balance. It means living with my own actions, without regret or guilt and being comfortable with who I am. It's a feeling of calmness and serenity, even when the life around me seems off kilter, out of synch and just crazy.

How do we reconnect with that "inner bliss" when something throws us off? Just like riding a bike, it begins with practice. There are a few simple tools you can use, right now, to create more Peace of Mind in your life.

1. Breathe - When something threatens to rock your Peace of Mind, breathe. Pretty simple, right? Studies have shown that deep breathing, even for just a few minutes, can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, bringing you back to a place of calmness and serenity. Learning deep breathing techniques, meditation, and/or yoga can significantly reduce your overall levels of anxiety and stress, which naturally leads to more patience and tolerance of others.

2. Smile - Smiling, even for a minute, reduces blood pressure, releases serotonin, improves the immune function, lifts the face and causes others to smile, too. It's creates a chain reaction of positive energy.

3. Laugh - One of the greatest sounds on Earth is laughter. It's infectious; one can't help but feel better when laughter is shared! A good laugh benefits us physically, emotionally and spiritually and its effects can last in the body for hours. “Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” ~ Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D. Practice Laughter Yoga (I do!) and begin laughing for no reason today- you'll get the benefits both physiologically and psychologically and so will those around you.

These 3 FREE and easy to tap into techniques can be used immediately to reconnect you with your Peace of Mind, where you feel calmer and more at ease. They work for me and countless others, too! Breathe, Smile and Laugh your way to a more blissful life!


Karen said...

love it!!!! I laugh all the time and it really does help bring us back to balance :)

Stephen Martile said...

"The Bliss Lady to The Pissed Lady"... that was so funny ;)

Thanks Teri!