Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Positively Positive and more!

Someone posted a note on Facebook the other day regarding positive attitudes “not being all they’re cracked up to be”. I didn’t even read the whole post. I did read a couple of the comments; some folks agreed, many did not. Holding the title of Chief Visionary Officer of The Bliss Network, as well as being labeled “The Bliss Lady”, you can guess that I don’t agree with that statement.

What do I have to say about that?

Having a positive attitude does not mean that you are in a constant state of euphoria. We all have that evil twin lurking somewhere deep inside that wants to get out to spread a little (or maybe a lot) of negative energy around. Occasionally, mine will pop her head out to scream in the car. What it means, to me, is that you remain optimistic by choosing to:

· be positively positive
· maintain a cheerful countenance
· look at the bright side
· be creative
· be responsible for your actions
· choose wisely
· never stop reaching for the best

These are qualities and characteristics that I look for in others, as well.

I make a conscious effort to surround myself with likeminded individuals on a daily basis. Included in my personal space are constant reminders that inspire and ignite my passion such as photos’ of my family and pets, candles, books and quotes from great masters like Depak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Oprah, as well as my own creations, Blisstory Journals, Sisstory Journals, and Miracle Boxes. Each item represents something to smile at and be thankful for. As moms, wives, business owners and members of an incredible community, we have more than enough tools and resources available to look beyond the negative headlines and thrive.

We simply need to be a shining example of love and light. Share your light and make the choice to follow our bliss! Smiles...Teri Williams, The Bliss Lady

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