Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blisstory Question

If you went back to college, what classes would you take? Would you try something new?

Four of our five kids are in college this year. Fortunately, one is on his way to graduating! With only one left in high school, both my husband and I decided it was time to hit the books and go back to school, too. Can't have the brood thinking they are way smarter than us! Me? I'm taking a Web Development class and my "fire fighter" is taking more fire safety classes. As if pulling the plug on every appliance in the house isn't enough!

I've been, mainly, a self taught web and internet junkie for almost twenty years. I bought my first computer, way back when the only way you could get on line was with AOL and web pages looked like a text document. At that time, my dad thought I was crazy for investing in such a ridiculous thing as a computer. He said it was just a glorified typewriter with a TV attached. Little did he know that 20 years later people would be watching their favorite TV on line!

We know how far websites have come; just take a look at Taco Bell or Burger King. Wow! They've integrated way more than food into their sites. Pretty soon you'll be able to grab a burger right of the page. Okay, I'd like to be involved with whoever develops that! Wait, maybe it will be me!

Back to reality! Today, there are more choices than ever and more people, young and old, back in the classroom. Think about it! What would you take if you went back to school? What are you taking if you are in school? Are you stepping outside your norm; learning something completely different or staying within your field of expertise? Me, I'm loving the idea of creating a totally cool website. Will let you know when it's up and you can grab a cup of coffee off the page!

Make it a blissful week!

The Bliss Lady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri,

I just found your blog! Great stuff. I've been blogging about Bliss since earlier this year and I find that focusing on it helps me to get my daily ration of Bliss.
Thanks for the great Blog