Sunday, August 1, 2010

30 Days of Smiling

We found the following challenge posted on Facebook and can't seem to locate where it came from, to give credit to the person that first mentioned it. We think it may be from an article written by Reggie Odum, and intuitive consultant. We are offering it up here, at The Bliss Network! If you know where it originated, please let us know!

Today we challenge you to go out and make one person smile a day, for 30 days. It's that simple. Take notes and at the end of those 30 days see how you feel. See how others feel around you. Please share your tips on how you made someone smile, even if it's a simple as smiling at someone else!

It's so simple and can be so enormous! Here are a few ways to make a smile happen:

  • Give flowers to a stranger
  • Send flowers to someone you love
  • Help someone
  • Let someone in front of you at the store, coffee shop, etc
  • Cook a meal and donate
  • Cook a meal for a neighbor
  • Bake cookies and donate them
  • Bake cookies for a neighbor
  • Fill up your kids gas tank
  • Fix lunch unexpectedly for your husband, wife, mother, friend
  • Take a friends dog for a walk so they don't have to
  • Pick up your mom/dad and take her/him someplace they haven't been
  • Tell someone how much you really care about them

Need more? E-mail me at I've got a list of ideas; at lease a few will make someone smile.

Bliss ON! Teri Williams, Bliss Ambassador

P.S. Here's a great article on "more smiling" by Reggie Odom. She talks shares info on one of my favorite inspirational leaders, Thich Nhat Hanh.

1 comment:

The Bliss Network said...

Today I brought a friend dinner AND dessert!