Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blisstory Question-Do you celebrate loving YOU?

Every Day Celebrations of Love

I hold the same belief for most holidays that I hold for Christmas, that the celebration should be as much a part of our everyday relationships as brushing our teeth! Valentine's Day, being symbolic of love, begins with the relationship with ourselves.

Historians indicate that Valentine's Day was originally established 496 AD by Pope Gelasius . Named after one or more Christian Saints who's name included "Valentine", the day was meant for lovers to express their love for each other through gifts of cards and flowers. Today, it has become the second largest greeting card sending holiday here in the U.S.

This year, I challenge you to create your own "history book version of love and Valentines Day". Begin now by honoring your first love, YOUR SELF. As parents, partners, business owners, well, as humans, we get so caught up in everyday life, taking care of everything else that we think needs to be accomplished we forget to pay tribute to ME. Whether you simply say, "enough" and go for a long walk, take a few minutes each day to focus on you and the amazing person that you are.

Here are three tips to get you started:

1. Make a list of things you like about yourself
2. Love yourself like a friend
3. Do comforting, nurturing things for yourself

Not enough tips for you? Come spend the morning of February 13, 2010 with me and Tamara Stone as we guide women on how to "Choose Me Before We", the title of Christine Arylo's new book. We are joining Christine Arylo in her National campaign of celebrating "Madly In Love With Me" day. This event will celebrate the divine in all women and provide details on how to love and honor yourself EVERY DAY of your life. Do yourself a favor, love YOU first - loving the rest of the world then comes easy!

Bliss ON!

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