Thursday, May 27, 2010

Detroit Lotus Sangha Kicks Butt!

With "no smoking in restaurants" comes a stinky little problem - more cigarette butts on the streets where restaurants and bars are located. Smokers are now gathering outside, on the streets, tossing their butts all over. That's a big "Yuck" to me!

Two weeks ago the Detroit Lotus Sangha in Ferndale, of which I am gratefully part of, decided to step outside with trash bags in hand (gloved hands, for sure) and clean up Downtown Ferndale. Wow! What a great way to start the day. It was a beautiful, sunny morning as we walked up, down, and around 9 Mile Road picking up trash and butts. Although the City of Ferndale does a great job of maintaining a lovely appearance, with more folks spending time outside, it's a challenge to keep up with it all. We felt so much joy in seeing the beauty of our efforts.

From that simple act of connecting with both our community and nature, the group at the Detroit Lotus Sangha has decided it will continue "kicking butt" by participating in additional clean ups throughout the year. Want to join us? Check out the website, or stop in on a Sunday Morning to see what we are all about. In the meantime, next time you are out walking, put on a pair of gloves, grab a trash bag, and pick up a few pieces of trash along the way. If everyone pitches in once in a while, we can make a huge difference.

Oh, and here's an idea for the folks at Rosie O'Grady's and Cantina Diablo, who do such a wonderful job of keeping their surroundings clean and tidy; send one of your team members up and down 9 mile, for just 15 minutes, picking up the trash - you'll do a tremendous service to your community and share a lot of good will!

Here's to a blissful journey!

P.S. Here's a great link, provided by my hubby, on more ways to consciously save the planet...Tricycle Mag

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