Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Share your blissings

“What you give is what you get so be sure to give the best of what you imagine, of what you have, of what you are.” From Awakening to the Spirit World
Photo's by Jeffrey Williams

Sharing love and happiness, pure blissings, comes naturally to me. It can begin with a simple smile or hello to a stranger and go on to include helping out a friend or neighbor. We all have “stuff” that holds our attention, that keeps us stuck in being “selfish instead of selfless”. Sometimes the best way to get over it is to pitch in and help someone else, turning on the light and giving a spark of joy.

Last week, while at the grocery store, I witnessed a lone mother spill her bags next to her car. She was clearly in distress juggling a baby on one hip and a small child at her side. Naturally, I walked over and helped her, as many others just watched. She was a little apprehensive at first. People aren’t used to the kindness of strangers

When we were just about finished, an employee stopped to help. The cute little mom offered him a tip and he politely refused, saying he was happy to be of help. One simple gesture of kindness lifted her spirits and changed the course of her afternoon. What did it take for us to do that; minutes, seconds? Time really meant nothing.

How do you share your bliss? Are you stuck standing on the side of the parking lot wondering what to do? Do you offer a friendly hello to a stranger? What’s holding you back from being a light? Here are ten easy ideas to get you started.

1. Smile and say hello to strangers
2. Drop dinner /dessert off to a friend just because
3. Open a door for someone
4. Hold the elevator
5. Give genuine compliments
6. Let someone in line ahead of you
7. Buy coffee (or lunch) for the person in line behind you
8. Send a card or flowers to someone for no reason
9. Volunteer at a shelter for children, unwed mothers or the homeless
10. Listen, really listen, as someone tells their story

Spreading your blissings is quite rewarding; once you get started it’s hard to stop. Like the Allstate Commercial, it’s amazingly contagious. Imagine, what the world would be like if every one of us took just a few seconds a day to do something spontaneously nice…I can see it now!

Need more ideas, E-mail me… I love sharing a little bliss!

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