Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Time to take more Bliss Breaks

Photo by Jeffrey Williams

The holiday season has not even officially started and people are already feeling over stressed and burned out. What's going to happen next week when the Thanksgiving festivities begin?

"We are so busy that we've multitasked our way right out of the present moment" says Thomas Crum, author of Three Deep Breaths.

Where is the bliss in that? Reconnecting with our inner joy is essential to creating peace in our lives. You don't need a 10 day vacation in the islands to find it (okay, I admit that might be nice as the weather changes.) You can start right now creating inner harmony, making room for less stress, by taking much needed bliss breaks.

Here a 7 tips to add to your tool kit and make your life a little lighter:

1. Breathe deep at least 3 times per day - Stop whatever you are doing at least 3 times per day and take 3 deep, slow purposeful breaths - filling your lungs with oxygen and your soul with life. This brings a sense of inner tranquility and can soothe away any tension.

2. Take a 15 minute walk, preferably in nature - Simply walk at a pace that feels comfortable to you. Pay attention to the ebb and flow of the natural world. There is a sweet sensation that comes over us when we observe the synchronicity of life through animals and plants.

3. Remove one thing from your life that is non-essential - We fill our time with non-essential "stuff". Think about what you do on a daily basis, ask yourself is it really bringing you joy? Eliminate one thing that feels daunting and taxing.

4. Laugh, laughter feeds the soul - Watch your favorite comedy, write down and relive the funniest thing that ever happened to you or simply sit and laugh. Laughter helps you take things lightheartedly and is one of the best forms of medicine. Bonus...it's FREE!

5. Listen to music everyday - Turn on your favorite tunes and listen. Sing if it makes you feel good, out loud if you can. Focusing on music can reduce pain, decrease depression and bring about a sense of calm.

6. Practice gratitude - Look forward to every day and be grateful for each moment. In any given minute we can find something to be grateful for; sometimes we simply don't see it. Start a gratitude journal, share with your friends what you are thankful for, including them, practice saying, "Thank you" more often.

7. Of course, Smile! No explanation needed!

Isn't it time you took a bliss break?

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