Sunday, December 20, 2009
Merry Blissmas to all and to all a happy life!
This morning I read a post from Brad Morris, Honorary Gratidude. He shared how he and his girlfriend, Ally, journeyed through their neighborhood to offer help, in almost any format, as a way of creating income. What they actually created were incredible connections and reminders of the abundance of joy in not just their lives, but the lives of those who they touched that day.
Over the course of the year we tend to wait until this time of year to celebrate that abundance of joy and happiness in our lives. My mission is to create more awareness of the effects of celebrating “Blissmas” every day; that is to say, share your own happiness and passion with others in order live a blissful life – and quite possibly increase the happiness level of the people in your life - the Bliss Effect!
Recently a study was conducted by Harvard Med School’s Dr. Nicholas Christakis and University of California, San Diego’s, Dr. James H. Fowler on, “How Social Networks Affect Mood”. The study suggests that “happiness is influenced not only by the people you know, but by the people they know.” Happiness spreads through social networks like a virus”. It can affect people we don’t even know. The most significant changes found by the doctors were seen in the first three degrees of separation. The study found that your happiness levels increase:
15% in immediate contacts;
10% in 2nd degree contacts, a friend of a friend
6% in 3rd degree contacts a friend, of a friend, of a friend
Wow! It is so empowering to know that we all have the capacity to create more joy simply by knowing happy people.
Fowler said, “We need to think of happiness as a collective phenomenon – If I come home in a bad mood – I may be missing an opportunity to make not just my wife and son happy, but their friends, too.”
Working from home means being there when my kids arrive after a day at school or my husband walks in from work. I notice immediately that when any one of them arrives in a great mood, everyone wants to hang out and tune in. They all feel the energy and want to soak it all up –it’s quite magnetic. If, on the other hand, any one of them is in a bad mood, everyone scatters to another part of the house, including the dogs!
Each of us contains within us the capacity to change the world, to make it a better place – by creating our own blissful empire and by sharing that happiness, gratitude and joy with others. This past Thursday, I had the privilege of sharing these findings at the Third Thursday Networking Luncheon hosted by Dean La Douceur. More important was that each person in that room shared something that made them feel a little more blissful, creating an opportunity to make someone else a little happier. Taking control of your own happiness, again, means your positive mood will affect others, especially those closest to you.
Additionally, the study found that people with smiling faces on Social Networking sites, like Facebook, tend to cluster and group together, creating that happiness or bliss effect, on line as well! It amazed me to know that my cheery face can brighten someone’s day, even if their thousands of miles away. “It thus seems to be the case, online as well as offline, that when you smile, the world smiles with you.”
Go ahead, post that smiling face of yours on social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Networks For Women, The Bliss Network Community, MommyMillionaire and Twitter, etc… Realize that each moment, each smile, can be an adventure, a celebration, and a chance to make a difference in someone else’s life, starting with your own! Create the bliss effect in your own Social Network.
Merry Blissmas to all and to all a happy life!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Positively Positive and more!
What do I have to say about that?
Having a positive attitude does not mean that you are in a constant state of euphoria. We all have that evil twin lurking somewhere deep inside that wants to get out to spread a little (or maybe a lot) of negative energy around. Occasionally, mine will pop her head out to scream in the car. What it means, to me, is that you remain optimistic by choosing to:
· be positively positive
· maintain a cheerful countenance
· look at the bright side
· be creative
· be responsible for your actions
· choose wisely
· never stop reaching for the best
These are qualities and characteristics that I look for in others, as well.
I make a conscious effort to surround myself with likeminded individuals on a daily basis. Included in my personal space are constant reminders that inspire and ignite my passion such as photos’ of my family and pets, candles, books and quotes from great masters like Depak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Oprah, as well as my own creations, Blisstory Journals, Sisstory Journals, and Miracle Boxes. Each item represents something to smile at and be thankful for. As moms, wives, business owners and members of an incredible community, we have more than enough tools and resources available to look beyond the negative headlines and thrive.
We simply need to be a shining example of love and light. Share your light and make the choice to follow our bliss! Smiles...Teri Williams, The Bliss Lady
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Blisstory Question -
Black Friday is fast approaching. For many years my mom and my brother picked me up at 4:30 am and we would hit the malls and department stores in the hopes of getting the best deal on holiday gifts. Remember the Beanie Baby and Tickle Me Elmo craze? Boy, do I remember the mad rush as the doors opened, people pushing and shoving to get in. Hundreds of obnoxious men and women would stampede to the back of the store to make sure they were the first 100 to get that extra bonus and to get there before the toys were gone. Talk about great marketing; limited supply and the free gift. Aren’t holiday’s meant to be fun and blissful?
Thanks to the advent of the internet and its amazing growth, I now sit in my office, toasty warm, with a mug of my favorite Perfect Blendz coffee, shopping online! The only stampedes I experience are my two dogs as they vie for the spot under my desk. It’s way more safe and convenient than fighting the masses at the mall; not to mention there’s no traffic. With our lists in hand and breakfast cooking on our own stove, my husband and I hit the net!
If you love the Day after Thanksgiving Sales but can’t stand the crowds, shopping online in the comfort of your own home is wonderful. Almost anything available "in store" is generally available "online", except for a few of the extreme door busters. Most stores offer the same, if not better, deals online as they have in store, will have have online only sales and offer free shipping. If you are interested in "buying local" many local retailers have a website, which makes it easy to shop with them and keep the money in your own community.
We get a list early from our brood of five children and my husband spends a few hours researching where we’ll get the best deals. Then, between reading our email, updating our Facebooks and tweeting about how warm we are, we get busy ordering our holiday gifts. In just a couple of hours we are finished with most of our holiday shopping. The best part is nobody pushed and shoved us around or scowled at us as we picked our prize.
No matter what your preference is, I wish you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, as well and a wonderful holiday season. Next time you’re in line at the store, even if it’s the mad rush of Black Friday, remember we all have one thing in common – gift giving. Give the gift of a smile and a warm wish for happy days!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Blisstory Question – What does integrity mean to you?
1. Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2. The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
Ok, so what does that mean to a kid? It means, “be kind, be truthful, and be the person you would want to be your best friend.”
To preserve the integrity of my empire, that being my family, I look to lead by example. It’s really not that difficult when you think about it. First and foremost I tell my children to be true to yourself and then everything else will fall in to place. You’ll always know if it’s the right thing to do when it feels good. When that uneasy feeling begins in the pit of your stomach, you better run! I then tell them that when you live your life with integrity, you never really have to question whether it’s the right thing to do.
Over the years, I have experienced many who do not value the word, integrity. Sometimes I didn’t heed my own advice. I stayed in a situation, maybe a work environment, surrounded by people who had no ethics or values, people who were mean spirited. I stayed way beyond the point when I felt that knot in the pit of my stomach, hoping to make a difference. We’ve all been there. I’ve learned to listen to myself, to trust my instincts and to act on them. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A little integrity is better than any career.”
Make it a blissful week!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Blisstory question
How will you achieve them?
For years I have said that when my daughter (the youngest one living with us right now) graduated high school (and started college) it would be time to move more freely, getting back to my own dreams, goals and visions. Like many of you, plans got altered, dreams changed, careers transitioned and life, well, just moved forward.
As parents, our main goal in life, was to help our children become well rounded, responsible, loving adults. Although they are “young” adults, I do believe we’ve been successful. They are pretty amazing young people. All are giving, outgoing, creative individuals, moving forward with their own dreams and visions.
My vision and dream, however, will always include them, as well as my husband and the rest of my family; whether it’s my biological family, my family of choice or my “earth family”. They are all part of my blissful history and future. We are all pretty much here for the same purpose aren’t we; to serve humanity to the best of our abilities, while nurturing ourselves along the way? My dream and vision is to create more and more bliss in my life and the life of others. I’ve got a few ideas on how I’m going to make that happen.
How am I going to keep my dream alive? Aside from sharing my life through The Bliss Network, the Blisstory Journal questions, using Social Networking strategies and really connecting with as many people as I can comfortably fit into my schedule, I’m creating a “Miracle Box” with my friend and colleague, Tamara Stone. For me, the Miracle Box will be a beautiful reminder of the Miracle of life and the wonderful travels it holds. Like a vision board, my Miracle Box will hold that which I believe expresses my bliss completely.
I’m really looking forward to setting my Miracle Box in a place that I can view on a regular basis. I’m looking even more forward to the days I can pick out one of the dreams inside the box, knowing the Miracle is alive.
Here’s to you all and the Miracle of your life! Blissfully yours, Teri
Monday, October 26, 2009
This weeks Blisstory Question
As soon as the first spring thaw arrived, so began my father’s weekly urge to head to Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market, where we could get everything we needed for the week's food budget. Because he was so busy during the week with work and union activities, he urged his children to join him every Saturday morning from the end of March through mid November. He would wake me with a fresh brewed cup of coffee (no wonder I’m such a coffee snob) and a delicious breakfast. Did I mention we left the house by 5:30 a.m.? Yeah, a little too early for teenagers and tweens! I did it, though, because I loved hanging out with him and fully enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the market. We saw folks from every walk of life while walking around and around the market until my dad was sure he had the best deal!
My husband and I share a lot of the same, quirky ideas of what fun is all about. One of those quirky ideas is getting up at 5:00 am on a Saturday to head downtown to Detroit's Eastern Market. Our kids aren’t quite as thrilled to spend time with us that early in the morning, as I was with my dad, that’s for sure. This weekend the “usual suspects” were there: the Shea butter fellow with his table over the bridge, the mushroom man, and my favorite, the “Goooooooood morning Detroit” flower vendor in his long, yellow “Coat of Many Colors”. When I hear his voice, I get a great big smile on my face and have the urge to run up and hug him. Okay, so, I have run up and hugged him. Maybe that’s why he always remembers me.
This weekend we did something really different. After we grabbed our weekly fix of fruits and veggies, we hit the Russell Street Deli for breakfast! WOW! I wish I would have stopped in there 20 years ago or at least three years ago when Jason Murphy bought the place. Walking in the door, you are greeted with a very warm “welcome” from the staff. The place is clean and the aroma is magnificent; sweet and spicy at the same time. Gabe, one of the servers, graciously introduced us to Jason and shared details on the variety of specials on the menu.
Not being too daring when it comes to breakfast, we stuck with our favorite morning dish - home fries, the standard by which we judge all breakfast joints. Let me tell you we had, by far, the best home fries EVER. That says a lot coming from us, especially Jeff. He is very particular when it comes to his potatoes. There are mornings when that’s all he has for breakfast. For the first time, they were prepared exactly as ordered; extra crisp with scallions on top, a little salt and pepper and not too greasy. He moaned and groaned with every bite. We also split a vegetable scramble, well done (without even having to ask) loaded with mushrooms, peppers and onions. Everything was way better than we anticipated.
Do yourself a favor and hit the Russell Street Deli. Don’t worry you don’t have to get up at 5:00 am. Russell Street doesn’t open till 8:00 am. Of course, if you do go early, give us a call! We’d love to meet you for breakfast.
Oh, and be sure to tell them The Bliss Lady sent you.
P.S. Next time I'm going to try one of the sandwiches! They looked totally awesome and are served for breakfast on weekends only! Yum Oh!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Wave
Ever been to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan? All the way up there, to Copper Harbor? Jeff, my favorite husband, and I love it up there. One of these days we'll have a little place of our own and only "cross the bridge" back to the mitten when we absolutely have too. In the meantime, we are going to take a little bit of the UP with us everywhere we go.
One thing that really inspires us about Yoopers (those that live in the U.P.) is their unending ability to keep a friendly, positive attitude. Every time we cross the bridge a warm feeling comes over us; don't get any weird ideas here. Smiling as we drive down the two lane highways that crisscross the U.P., everyone we pass waves at us welcoming the crazy trolls from under the bridge (Trolls being the Yooper definition of those that live "under the Mackinac Bridge). It seems to be contagious, too; way better than the Wave at a Tiger Game!
Sunday, while walking down Main Street in Clawson, Jeff and I, crazy "Trolls" that we are thought we'd take the Yooper lead and start waving at people that passed by, including those in their cars. No doubt the store owners on Main had ideas of calling the cops on us. We were just a little too blissful, laughing, waving and pointing.
Initially, people paid no attention to us; in fact, some even scoffed or snubbed us as they drove by. Maybe they thought we were practicing for the parade. Eleven (11) cars drove by before someone actually waved back. Twelve (12) was our lucky number.
All of a sudden it was like the domino effect. Not only were they waving, they were smiling, laughing and pointing, too. They'd see us waving, no doubt wondering, "who the heck is that", put a big smile on their face and wave right back. It was such a cool sight to see. I really wonder how many of them actually thought they knew who we were.
When the majority is welcoming and engaging, Jeff and I firmly believe that the world will be a better place. So, we're taking a survey and it's not going to stop here. We want to know how many of you actually wave to strangers? How many of you embrace the idea of stepping outside the norm and greeting a neighbor or passersby?
Start with us! When you're on Main Street in Clawson this weekend look for the crazy "Trolls" jumping up and down waving at everyone! Instead of just waving back, stop and say "hi". We'd love to hear all about what makes your life a little more blissful!
See you under the bridge!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Turtle Creed
Turtles are bright eyed, bushy tailed, fearless and unafraid folk with a fighter pilot attitude. (That's me, lol!) They think clean, have fun a lot, and recognize the fact that you never get any place worthwhile in life unless you stick your neck out.
The "Turtles" are indeed an illustrious group and include in their membership ranks some of the country's foremost leaders in fields of government, finance, entertainment, aerospace and other areas where aggressiveness, a feeling for fair play, clean thoughts and a sense of humor are keys to success. Started by a group of test pilots during WWII, the club has progressed to its present position as one whose membership is diligently sought after and highly esteemed by those lucky enough to be initiated.
Adherence to the creed and always giving the password when asked are the only responsibilities placed on our membership. You will find that life is more fun and takes on new meaning when you are a "Turtle".
Want to become an official member of the club?
Email me, The Bliss Lady at
Blisstory Question: What do you do to honor your father?
This week marks the 14th anniversary of my father’s death! He is one of the greatest men I will ever know. I say ‘is’ because he is alive in my mind and heart and will be till I join him on the other side.
For those of you that have not had the honor of meeting him, I’m sharing a little bit about him. He was a WWII P.O.W., captured at the Battle of the Bulge and held, initially, in the Nazi Infirmary then sent to the adjoining camp. After being liberated, he was given a Purple Heart for serving his country. He never really talked much about the experience, but shared one love he gained from his countrymen; becoming an honorary member of The Turtle Club.
Every time a friend came to visit he shared The Turtle Creed (read above) and inducted them into the club. The Turtle Creed (again, read above) starts with “Turtles are bright eyed, bushy tailed, fearless and unafraid folk with a fighter pilot attitude. They think clean, have fun a lot, and recognize the fact that you never get any place worthwhile in life unless you stick your neck out.”
Yes, at first it was quite embarrassing, as a teen, to have your friends cornered by your Dad for some stupid club! As an adult, I am reminded that those words and the gifts he gave my friends are not so stupid. In fact, it’s incredibly brilliant and probably accounts for a big reason I am “The Bliss Lady.”
Why am I sharing this with all of you? I’m here to remind you that no matter what your circumstance, no matter how downtrodden and in the dumps life seems to be, there’s always another second to turn that all around. Carry a fighter pilot attitude and start flying high! Call or email me at and I’ll induct you into the club, where you’ll get your own “shell” and a complete copy of the Turtle Creed.
Don’t forget to ask me if I’m a turtle… If I don’t give you the secret password, I’ll owe you the drink of your choice. (I’m sure you all know mine…Coffee!) Most importantly, you’ll have a constant reminder to go ahead and “Stick your neck out!”
A few people I know that are "sticking their necks out"
* The Pink Fund is hosting their "Turning Burdens in to Blessings" luncheonat The Glen Oaks Country Club, Sunday, October 18. They'll be fun, fashion, a ton of information and delicious food. The Pink Fund financially assists women and men afflicted with breast cancer. We all know someone affected by this terrible disease. For more information visit their website at
* Le Cocoa Bee Honey will be at The Farmington Farmers Market selling lots of delicious honey. You can also grab some home made Baklava and pick up my books, The Blisstory Journal and The Sisstory Journal. Proceeds from the journals support two great causes. (Read my blog from last week for more info!)
* Check out Hippie Chick Resale hosted by none other than Lisa Marie. Lisa and her lovely daughter, Jillian, will be at the Royal Oak Farmers Market on Sunday, October 25 with some of the most amazing things you will ever find! They'll have only the coolest vintage clothing, retro gifts, soy candles in recycled containers, handmade items and soooo much more! Email Lisa Mare at or give her a call at 248-730-4407 for more details!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Blisstory Question
Some of you might have guessed that we're a little passionate when it comes to helping people. There are two great organization's that we're cheering for and hoping you will, too. We'll also be helping our friend, Sharon Schmalz, of Le Cocoa Bee Honey, on Saturday's through October. Here's the skinny:
With a passion to make a difference The Bliss Network is donating
* 20% of The Blisstory Journal net proceeds to SOCHWelcomeInn
* 20% of The Sisstory Journal net proceeds to Enchanted Makeovers
1. The SOCH Welcome Inn is looking to purchase a building at 14 and
John R and they need our help. They need to raise about $90,000.
SOCH doesn't just feed those in need, they give them much needed guidance and services to get back on their feet, like mental health, clothing, food, shelter, transportation to and from bus stops to get to work, opportunities for job searching, a shower, a backpack, a chance to move beyond their circumstances.
With this crazy economy, we all know someone that is close to being "homeless" or sadly, may already be there!
2. Enchanted Makeovers, Terry Grahl found her life's calling. She
transform the shelters that save people's lives into beautiful sanctuaries that heal their spirit.
What do women in shelters look like? They look like you and I. They could be your neighbor, your sister, your mother, your friend. They just happen to live in a shelter. These women are as much of an inspiration to
Terry Grahl, Founder and President of Enchanted Makeovers as Terry is to them. We are them and they are us.
All people desire and need the same things, no matter their current circumstance. It is a common yet, easily forgotten fact that the act of giving is the most eco-friendly, renewable fuel source that lifts you to new heights.
Terry Grahl's Enchanted Makeovers and SOCHWelcomeInn change lives and heal hearts! You can, too.
Please help by purchasing a copy of The Blisstory Journal and The Sisstory Journal today. Heck, purchase one of each for everyone on your holiday gift list! You can pick them up in person and have each one autographed this Saturday, October 10th, 24th and 31 at the Royal Oak Farmers Market. Just look for the signs at Le Cocoa Bee Honey. The Bliss Lady is helping her old friend Sharon Schmalz sell some honey, too! Sharon will have them available all month, too! Pick up books, grab some honey and head home. Fix a cup of tea, add that honey, and start filling in your Blisstory Journal or Sisstory Journal!
"You'll find out a lot about yourself, you'll help a lot of people and you'll be giving an awesome gift!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Blisstory Question
Four of our five kids are in college this year. Fortunately, one is on his way to graduating! With only one left in high school, both my husband and I decided it was time to hit the books and go back to school, too. Can't have the brood thinking they are way smarter than us! Me? I'm taking a Web Development class and my "fire fighter" is taking more fire safety classes. As if pulling the plug on every appliance in the house isn't enough!
I've been, mainly, a self taught web and internet junkie for almost twenty years. I bought my first computer, way back when the only way you could get on line was with AOL and web pages looked like a text document. At that time, my dad thought I was crazy for investing in such a ridiculous thing as a computer. He said it was just a glorified typewriter with a TV attached. Little did he know that 20 years later people would be watching their favorite TV on line!
We know how far websites have come; just take a look at Taco Bell or Burger King. Wow! They've integrated way more than food into their sites. Pretty soon you'll be able to grab a burger right of the page. Okay, I'd like to be involved with whoever develops that! Wait, maybe it will be me!
Back to reality! Today, there are more choices than ever and more people, young and old, back in the classroom. Think about it! What would you take if you went back to school? What are you taking if you are in school? Are you stepping outside your norm; learning something completely different or staying within your field of expertise? Me, I'm loving the idea of creating a totally cool website. Will let you know when it's up and you can grab a cup of coffee off the page!
Make it a blissful week!
The Bliss Lady
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Blisstory Journal Question of the week!
List a few of the things in life that make you smile.
No doubt we all have an endless list of things that make us smile. My list changes by the nanosecond. Looking around there are literally hundreds of things that have me grinning from ear to ear.
OK, let me just tell you what’s in plain sight – dogs laying at my feet, fresh, hot, delicious coffee on my desk, a lovely scented candle burning brightly, an empty bowl of yummy groats, an email from my husband, letting me know he made it to work safe and sound, and my computer screen flashing that my daughter is awake and ready to roll out of bed to visit OCC. She’s “a big girl now” and is starting her first day at OCC tomorrow. THAT WARMS MY HEART BEYOND WORDS! A GREAT BIG SMILE IS ON MY FACE!. Knowing that I created this bright, beautiful, sweet girl who has remarkably reached adulthood is an incredible feat in itself. I know many of you can feel my joy!
Most people think I live a Pollyanna life. Guess what, I do. I can’t remember a time that I couldn’t find something to smile about. How can I preach “choose bliss” if I can’t find something in each moment to bring me to a place of joy? Oh yea, I have moments of frustration, anger and downright bitchiness – I know how to pull myself out, quickly. For me it takes looking for beauty in each moment, having a sense of humor – laughing at myself, a lot, taking chances and having faith, hope and trust.
Today, send me one thing or 20 things that make you smile. Give me permission and I’ll post it on the ShareYourBliss page at Give others something to smile about!
The Bliss Lady
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Blisstory Journal Question of the week!
My friends son just got his license and my daughter wants a new car. The car she wants is a "stick" or manual transmission in case some of you don't know. She has never driven a stick. Brings back a lot of memories, for sure. Hmmm....Now, I'm going to sound like my mom. "When I grew up we had to ....."
I did learn how to drive in a car with an automatic transmission. My Drivers Ed class was in the middle of summer, no air conditioning in the classroom or the car! In fact, we learned on brand new cars (did I mention, "without air conditioning") in the parking lot of Ferndale High School. It was a 3 week course; three (?) hours a day of book work in the classroom (without a.c.) until the last week, then it was all road work. I think my daughter was only on the road three times before she passed the class.
My high school boyfriend had a Vega with a manual transmission. He taught me how to drive; again in the parking lot at Ferndale High School. I distinctly remember ending up on the lawn somehow, getting stuck in a rut, probably by hitting the gas pedal instead of the clutch. Either way, it wasn't a pretty sight and it was very inconvenient for the tow truck driver.
Today, my daughter wants to learn to drive a stick. Like my mom, I say that's a job for her Dad. I don't know if I have the patience to sit through the jerking back and forth, along with the starting and stalling. What I want to know is, how come kids don't learn on a stick from day one? Seems like it's much easier to transition from a stick to an automatic than from an automatic to a stick. Besides, it must be much cheaper to buy a stick; better gas mileage, too! Maybe I'll give the folks at Ford a call!
Any way, here's to safe, blissful driving!
The Bliss Lady
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Blisstory Question of the week!
What is your favorite room in the house?
Growing up, we spent more time in the kitchen than any other room. Maybe it was because of the delicious smells wafting through the air from whatever was cooking for dinner that night or the fresh coffee always brewing in the coffeemaker. Whatever the reason, that’s still my favorite spot. I love hanging out in a kitchen.
In my new house, the kitchens’ a little small; not too small to host my husband, two dogs and one of our five kids, though. Someone’s usually sitting on the edge of the counter, chatting away, trying to figure out what the heck we are putting on their plates.
With summer here, it’s challenging to cook a hot meal. Really, who wants to? Why not try something new and different? We are. There’s a great website at Regeneration Raw. You’ll find tips and recipes for a few quick choices. The best part is, they educate you on the benefits of eating raw, natural foods. They are hosting a showing of Food Matters at the Royal Oak Music Theater this Thursday, August 27. Click here for more details. Also check out Raw Glow. You’ll find a whole list of recipes, like raw apple pie and celery avocado stuffing.
In my kitchen, we're cooking healthier and loving it. We're having a lot of fun trying new spices and vegetables. The scents are a lot different from when I was growing up, for sure, that's okay! I still get that cozy, connected feeling and it's pretty darn blissful!
The Bliss Lady
Friday, August 21, 2009
Philanthropic endeavors.....
Since my youth I have pitched in where needed; donated time and money to an endless list of causes. I can remember my first "March of Dimes" walk on Belle Isle and the Ronald McDonald fund raising kit for backyard parties. (OK, so that one gets a little foggy). Someone help me out here....LOLOL
Back in the early spring, I sat down for breakfast with Judy Davids. We cried together about the state of the economy and the many, many families I had seen at the homeless shelter. That evening, Judy met a man named Roy Watson. Roy is as humble of a man as I will ever know. (Next to my father, of course). Roy heads up a small little non-profit with a biggggg heart, South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless Welcome Inn. What Roy and his group do is the epitome of that quote. They don't just feed "homeless men, women, and children". They help them by offering them resources to rebuild their lives: computer access, social work, food, showers, laundry, transportation, just to name a few.
Judy Davids and I have formed a company, EarthAngelsRelief, to assist organizations like Roy's. This week, (August 21 through August 27) we have arranged for MooseJaw to offer a 20% discount on the purchase of a new backpack, at their Michigan Stores, to anyone that donates a used backpack. What Crepe is also offering a 20% discount off an entree when a back pack is donated. Read more...
It's time for most of our kids to go back to school! Take that old backpack and head up to MoosJaw. According to them, it's the nicest thing they've ever done. When you read about the South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless Welcome Inn, you'll see why!
The Bliss Lady
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Blisstory Question
Did you ever have a graveyard or haunted house experience?
Yesterday, during lunch with my friend, Annette Keeble, I shared a YouNeek experience my husband and I recently had. While in Georgia, we visited the Marietta National Cemetery, where over 10,132
Union Soldiers are buried, as well as those from the various "wars" our country has been involved in. For many, visiting a cemetery is an emotional, fearful experience. Not for us.
Jeff and I have visited many across the country. We love the history attached to each location. This particular visit we talked about the thousands of lives touched by the men and women buried there. As we were leaving, a woman came by to take pictures for her grandson. As it turned out, she had an incredible story. Apparently, Her great grand father is the only Confederate soldier buried in the Union cemetery he worked at after the war. He was the grounds keeper for more than 30 years there. Not only that, she is friends with one of my favorite people, former President Jimmy Carter.
The visit also inspired my husband to do a little research on my own father. While we were walking the grounds, I shared some details with Jeff regarding my fathers capture at The Battle of the Bulge during WWII. He was in a POW camp for several months. Thanks to the internet, Jeff was able to retrieve data and photo's of the camp he was in.
Next time you drive by a cemetery, release your fear and embrace the spirit of the thousands of people that went before you. Take a walk and read the head stones. There's a YouNEEK story behind each one. Without those that served our country, we would not have the freedoms we have today. No matter how things look, they always get better!
The Bliss Lady
Friday, August 14, 2009
What's YouNeek Around Town
What great fun we are having taping More importantly are the amazing people we are meeting, at our studio and out on the streets! We taped at Leon & Lulu's in Downtown Clawson. That place is one of the coolest stores I've ever been in. Who could ask for more: coffee and shopping? Now, If Mary Liz would offer to get a vegetarian pizza, I'd never leave!!!! (Especially since my husband just so happens to be our camera guy!)
Here's a little teaser -today we spoke with Annette Keeble. Annette is fast becoming an expert on the Michigan Movie Industry. She also has a tremendously giving heart and has donated much time, money,and love to charitable causes. Along the way, she has met some really cool celebrities; like Paul Newman.
Speaking of charity, Sarah Rewold from MooseJaw was there, too. Ok, my other favorite store!!!! Sarah was on hand to talk about the nicest thing Moosejaw has ever done....a backpack campaingn for Earth Angels Relief and the South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless. In case you haven't heard, MooseJaw, along with What Crepe, is offering a 20% discount on backpack purchases or entrees at What Crepe, when you bring a new or gently used backpack to their Michigan locations.... You'll have to watch the next episode of to hear all about their YouNeek Youniverses!
You can also check for more details! In fact, I really hope you do! We need the spike in stats.
Check the lineup for our guests. Lisa Marie of Metro Chick Radio is our host. She always said she'd never do TV...
Thank goodness Judy and I are so convincing! You look fabulous dahling.....
Cheers to you all - The Bliss Lady!!
Teri Williams
Chief Visionary Officer
PH: 248-219-6200
"When the power of love over comes the love of power the world will know peace!" Jimi Hendrix
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Do you have a BLISSNESS PLAN?
What's a BLISSNESS PLAN? It's the who, what, where, when, why and how you will create more bliss in your YOUniverse!
Most everyone in business has a plan. You read it, review it, and revise it on a regular basis, at least you should. You need to have a BLISSNESS PLAN!!! How can you possibly build the life of your dreams without one?
"The BLISSNESS PLAN includes a 12 month guide for mapping your blissful life; one easy step each day of the month. Bliss comes easy when you have a plan!"
Need help with planning? Pick up The Blisstory Journal with 365 questions on your past, present and future. The Blisstory Journal is the question and answer guide for your BLISSNESS PLAN. (It makes a great gift, too. It’s never too early to shop for the Holidays!)
Click here to download your free copy of The BLISSNESS PLAN today. Start living in a blissful YOUniverse now!
Here's to your bliss.....The Bliss Lady!
Twitter me at Blissisit
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Blisstory Question
Describe a scent that brings you back to your childhood
I grab these questions at random. How fitting that I opened to this question in the book as I come off my two month/summer hiatus from blogging. This time of year brings so many activities and scents that take us back to our childhood; from flowers and rain storms to fireworks and beaches; oh the smell of Coppertone. What really calls me back is a campfire. It doesn’t get any better than sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows for S’mores or the smell of coffee and bacon cooking over a camp stove.
Michigan has so many great getaways that include fire pits. One of my favorites was Sleeper State Park North of Caseville on the beaches of Lake Huron. We’d camp at the park or stay at a cottage down the way. There was always something to keep us occupied whether swimming, fishing or hiking.
Another fav was Lake Superior State Park at the top of the Upper Peninsula on Lake Superior. The water was so cold you could barely slip you foot in, but fresh fish cooking over the open fire was worth it all. We’d be up at the crack of dawn out on the water for the “catch of the day”.
Sit down, take a few minutes, and let yourself go back to that blissful place in your youth….Summer!
Summer in Michigan, even better! Make it a staycation and remember to “choose bliss.”
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Bully's In The Work Place
Today when I opened my in box there was a note from Kim Levine, author and creator of Mommy Millionaire. Kim shared an article from the New York Times on bullying in the work place, women (people) ganging up on each other and attacking them personally. She said, "There's enough success for everyone to go around"! I believe her!
I've also experienced "the bully in the work place". I actually worked with a woman last year who had a cold. After I disinfected my area, she walked up to me, coughed in my face, and said, "There, now you can get sick, too." Wow! That was quite an assault. To say the least, "The Bliss Lady" is not sharing her bliss there! Although I do send her and the rest of the staff blessings of bliss, peace and prosperity.
Here's a blog I wrote last year around this time after listening to the Gayle King Show. As my children ceremoniously move on to another chapter in their lives, one step closer to "the working life" here's my take on how the corporate structure so closely resembles middle school written in May of 2008:
Get ready for the release of Kim Levine's new book, "The Mommy Manifesto". Until then, go to or, and pick up one of my books. There are no bully's around my water cooler!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Leadership, Love and Life
I found this fascinating quote today:
So perhaps we need to take a lesson from the butterfly. Perhaps we need the struggles in order to spread our wings and transform. Ask yourself "What strengths lie in the caterpillar of your existence? And what butterfly is waiting to be born?"Bronwen, Leadership, Love and Life, May 2009
You should read the whole article.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Blisstory Question - Mom

What are the things you love, cherish, and admire most about your mother?
Obviously my mom is the person that I loved first in my life and I cherish the life she gave me. At 77 years old, she still has that spunky, defiant, never give up attitude. Yeap, that’s where I get it from.
When I say my parents taught me I can do anything, she’s the role model! She is the orginal bliss networker! I truly admire her ability to pick herself up when she’s hit with a blow, and she’s had more blows than I can remember. She’s suffered the loss of a child, the loss of her lifetime partner, 3 heart attacks, 2 strokes, breast cancer, lung cancer and lives with COPD and arthritis; nothing diminishes her love of life.
My mom is my first real friend. Along with being my friend and mother, she is a friend and mother to countless others. Along with her own 6 children, she has taken in strays for as long as I can remember. Today, her youngest grandson occupies a room at the "Grambo Inn". She is also a mother in law, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, aunt, great aunt, great, great aunt, and so much more. When I think about the many people that have crossed her path, I know that each of them was impacted in a positive way by her mere presence.
Today and every day I honor Janet Rose Griffin, the woman that brought me into this world. I love her enthusiasm, excitement, stubbornness, fortitude, graciousness, and her capacity to love, especially her family. Here’s to you mom!
OK, so here's some serious self promotion -
Pick your mom up a Sisstory Journal or Blisstory Journal today. Share her life, share her legacy, celebrate her!